Lessons from GOD...
I was lonely. I thought I had no one, but then YOU brought some wonderful new friends into my life.
I thought the world was cold, cruel, and unjust, and then YOU opened up my heart again through another's kindness.
I thought there were no good options, but YOU placed some before me.
I believed that my efforts amounted to nothing, but YOU rewarded me in unexpected ways.
I thought that there was no way to cope with my pain, but YOU provided a means.
I thought I would never be happy again, but YOU slowly made the sun trickle through the clouds.
I thought I was weak, but YOU showed me how very strong I can be.
I thought I'd never complete my goals, but YOU helped me every step of the way.
I though YOU had abandoned me, and then YOU sent me many beautiful signs to let me know that YOU're still there.
I thought badly of myself, but YOU brought my best to the fore, and reminded me that I can accomplish anything.
I needed something more in my life than what I had, and YOU provided it just when I needed it most.
I thought YOU were punishing me, until I realized that the trials YOU gave me helped me grow.
I was crushed from disappointment, but YOU acted in my best interest and brought me even greater opportunities.
I wanted to die to escape my grief, but YOU revealed the beauty of life, and reminded me that I have not yet completed my mission here on earth.
I thought my whole world was falling apart, but YOU showed me that a new day will come. Pointing out that I'm beautiful and strong as long as YOUR heart rests in mine.
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